01189 710007

Time For You To Talk

Counselling Service for West Berkshire

E:  wanda@integrative-counselling.co.uk

T:  01189 710007

Web Design:  Larkhall Marketing


Depression and Low Mood

Depression and low mood are very common but can seem very alien and scary when first experienced.

Twelve percent of the population (and increasing…) experience depression severe enough to want to visit their GP at some time in their life time.

Depression can be experienced in many ways but perhaps the most common features are:

For most people a depressive reaction is triggered by a set of life events which they find difficult to deal with. This can be here and now situations or things from the past.

I can help you unravel the reasons for the depression, support you through it and give you strategies to help manage the depression.

@   wanda@integrative-counselling.co.uk

01189 710007